Alexander Technique for Performing Arts - Winter Course 2022 with Alexander teachers Karen Anderson & Leonardo Canales.
Post edits: Sunanda Sachatrakul

“It has really helped me stop getting stuck, working on freeing up my body has really helped to free me up in my acting.  It simplifies things, letting go of the tension in my body enables me to stop getting stuck in my head and trust myself more as an actor.”

Fiona Crombie - Actor

“Alexander Technique has really allowed me to be able to understand my body and it's biomechanics in a whole different way. I understand more of when I'm holding unnecessary tension and am able to make choices to allow myself to be free for my best performance.”

Jack Brophy - Actor

“The Alexander Technique Journey has been improving my level of awareness as well as gaining resources that are applied on a daily basis as an artist. Depending on my needs:) 
I am sincerely grateful for the art education and better understanding of my body, mind and spirit. I genuinely feel this 8 weeks course has generated further interest in the next course available, in the near future. I would highly recommend this course to anyone that is ready to take an adventure of learning to unlearn. Massive Thank you to Karen, Leonardo and the Crew:)”

Vanessa Crampel - Artist 

“I am an older person venturing into film and theatre acting, and Voice Over production after years of a purely technical career. Karen's and Leo's 16 hour short course in the Alexander Technique for performance was truly valuable to me because it was relaxed, informative and above all fun. I need to use my energy efficiently these days and performance can be exhausting, but this course taught me how I can learn to listen to my body, undo my bad posture habits and achieve more confidence. Karen and Leo have created the best format for this learning... I can highly recommend it.”

Bernard Peasley - Actor

“As a professional artist and physical theatre improvisation teacher, and theatre director, the profoundly affecting techniques & methodologies of the Alexander work have been an ongoing part of my practises for more than 25 years! I started doing Alexander sessions with Karen Anderson 2 years ago and have discovered a whole new, delightfully eloquent, layer to this work! Karen is insightful, professional, sensitive, humour-full, affirming and articulate in ways that, for me, provide an ongoing framework for greater clarity of understanding of my own body in space. 

I walk out after a session breathing more deeply, seeing more detail in the world, feeling a greater proprioceptive awareness and having a greater relational clarity about myself that allows for wonderful wonderment and play. All of this is essential in my creativity as an artist, my work as a teacher, my work as a director and my understanding of what it is to be a human "being" walking alongside others on this planet! I would highly recommend any opportunity you get to work with this amazing practitioner!”

Danielle Cresp - Award-winning Director, Mentor, Performing Coach, Action Theater™Australia Practitioner & Improvisation Artist.

Over fifteen years of balancing a dedicated solo arts practice and working in the Community Arts Sector has made for a life of very long days at desks and workbenches. I often have periods of working weeks straight with no days off to rest in order to meet deadlines. Three years ago my body quit in protest. I began suffering crippling migraines some so severe they required hospitalisation. 

I began working with Karen to develop better body practices using the Alexander Technique after trying numerous specialists and treatments - many of which seemed to only give short-term relief, felt-heavy handed, or even triggered migraines. Working with the Alexander Technique has been one of the only things to have a long lasting positive effect on my pain management. 

I am now in tune with my body in ways that I never could have imagined. With Karen’s guidance and care I have really come to listen to my body and to treat it with much more kindness and respect, and have managed to heavily reduce the amount of pain medications I was taking. She has helped me develop better working practices to make my working environments much more sustainable both physically and mentally. Her sessions are illuminating, educational, and very grounding. I can’t thank her enough for helping me with my progress.” 

Betty Musgrove - Artist, designer: textiles, drawing and new media.